Category Archives: Uncategorized

Do snowballs in Washington, D.C., count as evidence against global warming?

Last week, Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, the current chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, brought a snowball fashioned from accumulated snow in Washington, D.C., onto the floor of the United States Senate.

Inhofe used the snowball as proxy “evidence” of, in his words, the “hysteria on global warming.” Continue reading

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What is baseball’s longest streak of games being rained out?

Baseball fans in our area are likely quite pleased with the persistent success of the 2014 Milwaukee Brewers who lead the National League Central by 1.5 games as of this morning. Since the opening of Miller Park in 2001, Brewers … Continue reading

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Why does the moon look red during a lunar eclipse?

Why does the moon look red during a lunar eclipse? In a total lunar eclipse the sun, earth and moon line up and the Earth casts its shadow on the moon. The moon is always a full moon during a … Continue reading

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Why does snow melt around the bases of trees?

To melt snow, there must be a net gain of energy by the snow. This energy gain can either melt the snow or sublimate the snow, causing it to go from the frozen water phase directly to a gas in … Continue reading

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What else can we say about the past winter?

What else can we say about the past winter? As our remarkable winter winds down, (though it will remain cold through the end of March, according to most recent forecasts), a few of its additional characteristics are worthy of mention. … Continue reading

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