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Tag Archives: Seasons
Just how warm has this winter been?
This winter began much warmer than normal, but where does this year’s mildness rank all-time? You might be surprised to learn that although we are in the top 10 warmest starts to winter, we are not really close to the top. In fact, we are experiencing only the sixth warmest Dec. 1-Feb. 8 in Madison history with an average temperature of 28.3 degrees Fahrenheit during that stretch. Continue reading
Category: Seasons
Tags Climate, Seasons, Temperature, Winter
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Tags Climate, Seasons, Temperature, Winter
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What is Groundhog Day and do the forecasts work?
Long before computers, the Weather Channel and the Internet, humans needed weather forecasts. Farmers and sailors particularly needed to know if storms were approaching. Over time, various folklore forecasts, often in the form of short rhymes, were devised and passed down through the generations. Although memorable, the folklore forecasts are of uneven quality — some good, others bad. Continue reading
Category: Meteorology
Tags Meteorology, Seasons, Winter
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Tags Meteorology, Seasons, Winter
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When is the Winter Solstice?
The winter solstice (from the Latin sol, or “sun,” and stice, or “come to a stop”) is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight. This year, this occurs for the Northern Hemisphere at 11:30 pm Wednesday. Continue reading
What is the outlook for Wisconsin’s winter?
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center issues seasonal climate outlook maps for the nation. The organization’s forecast for Wisconsin’s 2011-12 meteorological winter (which started Thursday and runs through Feb. 29) is for below-normal temperatures and above-normal precipitation. Continue reading
When does winter really start in Madison?
The most common way to define the start of winter is to appeal to the solstice, the day on which the noontime sun is positioned at its farthest southern point of the year. This is the astronomical start of winter — Dec. 22 this year. On that day, the noontime sun will be directly overhead at 23.5 S latitude. Continue reading
Category: Climate
Tags Climate, Meteorology, Seasons, Winter
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Tags Climate, Meteorology, Seasons, Winter
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