Category Archives: Uncategorized

What were those flying saucer-shaped clouds?

Thunderstorms rolled through Madison between 8:30 and 9 a.m. Thursday May 16th. Stunning “flying-saucer” clouds accompanied the dark skies of the leading edge of the storm. These dark, protruding clouds are “shelf clouds.” The clouds look like a shelf and … Continue reading

Category: Meteorology, Phenomena, Uncategorized

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When did computer-based weather forecasts begin?

Just over a week past our extraordinary late season snow on April 27, it is worth considering how remarkable it is that such an unusual event can be so well forecasted several days in advance. The drive to use computer … Continue reading

Category: Uncategorized

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What is a 100-year storm?

The phrase “100-year storm” refers to the estimated probability of a storm event happening in any given year. A 100-year event has a 1 percent chance (or 1-in-a-100 chance) of occurring in any given year. The term “100-year flood” allows … Continue reading

Category: Uncategorized

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How severe was our just-completed meteorological winter?

Employing data from the last 70 winter seasons (December, January and February) we have been examining the extent of air colder than 23 degrees over the Northern Hemisphere. This year’s winter season was the 23rd warmest of the last 70. … Continue reading

Category: Uncategorized

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Does the U.S. have a new weather satellite?

Yes! The U.S. launched a new weather satellite on Thursday March 1st. This is the second in a series of four next-generation weather satellites now in orbit 22,300 miles above the Earth. It will reach its final orbit location in … Continue reading

Category: Uncategorized

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