Category Archives: Meteorology

What are the chances for a snowy Halloween?

The last half of October has been a bit cooler than normal, and there is a real chance we will see our first accumulating snow of the season this week. Overall, the chances for snow are relatively slim in October … Continue reading

Category: Meteorology, Seasons

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Why has October been so stormy?

Thus far, October 2019 has been an active weather month over North America. The month began with a week-long period of moderate to heavy rain over the Great Lakes states associated with an energetic jet stream racing across the northern … Continue reading

Category: Meteorology, Seasons

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Why does the rate for change of day length vary?

We define the length of the day as the time between sunrise and sunset, so that we can apply some simple mathematics.

Atmospheric conditions can make the actual sunrise and sunset vary slightly from the calculated times. As the Earth moves around the Sun, the length of the day changes. Continue reading

Category: Meteorology, Seasons

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Why should we be concerned about the Arctic climate?

Changes in the Arctic have global implications. The global average temperature is warming but the air temperatures in the Arctic are increasing twice as fast or possibly faster.

The year 2019 will go down as the second-lowest minimum extent of sea ice. Sea ice is bright and reflects about 80% of the sunlight that falls on it, helping to keep the surface cold. Continue reading

Category: Climate, Meteorology

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What is the status of the ozone hole?

Ozone occurs about 18 miles above the Earth’s surface and is both caused by and provides protection from damaging ultraviolet energy emitted by the sun.

The development of an atmospheric “ozone layer” allowed life to move out of the oceans and onto land. Continue reading

Category: Meteorology, Seasons

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