Daily Archives: May 21, 2018

Will the recent volcanic eruptions in Hawaii lead to a change in global weather patterns?

While the recent Hawaiian eruptions are impacting the weather and air quality of the immediate area, they are not likely to have a global impact nor to affect Wisconsin’s weather.

The reason is that the ash cloud debris, while reaching 30,000 feet, has remained in the troposphere, the layer where local weather occurs. To have a global impact, the volcano must eject debris into the stratosphere. There it can last for a couple of years and spread over the entire globe. By the ash reaching only into the troposphere, it can stay airborne for no more than a week due to precipitation processes, wind and gravity. Continue reading

Category: Meteorology, Phenomena

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How do I prepare for severe weather?

Severe summer weather can happen at any time and anywhere. The three biggest severe weather killers in the United States today are tornadoes, lightning and flash floods. Your best protection is to be prepared. First, you need access to reliable … Continue reading

Category: Meteorology, Severe Weather

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