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Monthly Archives: July 2011
What is a Heat Wave?
Heat waves are caused by very hot, stagnant air masses. Regions that suffer under intense hot spells are usually dominated by a surface high-pressure system with a mid-tropospheric ridge aloft . . . Continue reading
Category: Phenomena
Tags Dangers, Heat, Heat index, Seasons, Summer, Temperature
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Tags Dangers, Heat, Heat index, Seasons, Summer, Temperature
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What are Straight-line Winds?
The term “straight-line winds” is used to describe ground-level winds that come out of a thunderstorm and do not have rotation. If these winds travel at speeds that exceed . . . Continue reading
Category: Severe Weather
Tags Dangers, Phenomena, Severe Weather, Wind
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Tags Dangers, Phenomena, Severe Weather, Wind
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What is the Midwest’s hottest summer on record?
Though it has been hot and humid lately in southern Wisconsin, this summer has been relatively mild compared to previous summers.
Since June 1 in Madison, the daily average temperature has been . . . Continue reading
Category: Climate
Tags Climate, Heat, Summer, Temperature
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Tags Climate, Heat, Summer, Temperature
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Do we have a new ‘normal temperature’?
Yes, the entire nation now has a new ‘normal temperature.’
These climatological temperatures, and other weather parameters, are computed by averaging all temperatures over a 30-year period. These averages are called . . . Continue reading
Category: Climate
Tags Climate, Meteorology, Temperature
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Tags Climate, Meteorology, Temperature
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