Tag Archives: Meteorology

Do we have a new ‘normal temperature’?

Yes, the entire nation now has a new ‘normal temperature.’

These climatological temperatures, and other weather parameters, are computed by averaging all temperatures over a 30-year period. These averages are called . . . Continue reading

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How are the Temperatures in the Higher Atmosphere Measured?

Meteorologists monitor the atmosphere above the surface by using a radio-equipped meteorological instrument package – called radiosondes – carried aloft by a helium-filled weather balloon.

The radiosondes . . . Continue reading

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What are the Top Weather Events for 2010?

Everyone has their own personal stories of top 2010 weather events. Chances are most of these stories touch on either the very rainy summer, the muggy July weather, the record-setting October storm or the busy tornado season . . . Continue reading

Category: Meteorology
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