Author Archives: Weather Guys Editor

How do the Yahara lakes freeze?

Lakes freeze from the surface downward to the lake bottom. Ice floats because it is less dense than liquid water.

The density of liquid water depends on the water temperature. The density of water is highest at a temperature of about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. So, why is that important? Continue reading

Category: Phenomena

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Is this early December cold spell unusual?

Though the first really nasty cold snap of the year is already underway, by the middle of this week we should be in the depths of a deep freeze, flirting with a daily high temperature no higher than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Continue reading

Category: Seasons

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How did the 2013 hurricane season end?

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season officially ended on Saturday. It was the least active year in 30 years. There were only 13 tropical storms, two hurricanes and no major hurricanes. The two hurricanes that formed were very weak. In an average year, there are 12 tropical storms; six or seven go on to become hurricanes and two of those reach major hurricane intensity. Continue reading

Category: Tropical

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Are tornadoes typical in the Midwest during this time of year?

No, although in the U.S. tornadoes have occurred in nearly every state and in every month of the year. Wisconsin has reported a tornado in every month except February. There have been nine confirmed tornadoes in Wisconsin during November between the years 1844 to 2012. Continue reading

Category: Severe Weather

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Why does the wind diminish after sunset?

A reader wrote us last week with two questions prompted by careful observation: 1. Why does the wind speed tend to decrease after sunset? 2. Why does this effect seem less pronounced in late autumn and winter? Continue reading

Category: Meteorology

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